A Tribute to Uncle Roy
Created by Denise one month ago
A Tribute to Uncle Roy
I was first introduced to Uncle Roy when I was 12 years old. My mum, dad, my brothers and I were so excited when Auntie Pam announced that she had met someone special and wanted us all to meet him. The day she brought Uncle Roy to our house for the first time, I attempted to hide my curiosity, peeking over Smash Hits magazine while pretending not to be too interested in him (because that wouldn’t be cool!).
He seemed kind and caring— very friendly with a warm chuckle and a great sense of humour. But as a shy and awkward 12-year-old, I wasn’t keen on meeting new people, and I wasn’t quite ready to welcome him into the family. When it was time for me to go to bed, I said goodnight to everyone in the room — except him.
I’ve often thought back to that day, wishing I could tell my younger self what I know now: that Uncle Roy was a kind, loving man who would become an integral part of our family and have a lifelong influence on all of us. I’d go back and give him a goodnight kiss and say, “Welcome to our family! I love you already.” Because as the years unfolded, Uncle Roy became such an important part of our lives, and it’s hard to imagine our family without him.
When he and Auntie Pam were married, I was honored to be a bridesmaid at their wedding. I felt so included and cherished and it was so great to see Auntie Pam so happy. Our family didn’t just gain a brother-in-law or an uncle; we gained a true friend. He introduced us to his side of the family too, and we were privileged to spend time with his loved ones, including his dad, Bill, who, like Uncle Roy, was a true gentleman.
Uncle Roy’s warmth, humour and kindness quickly won us all over. Over the years, I came to admire his ability to make everyone feel so welcome. I was inspired by how confidently and easily he could talk to anyone and was able to keep a conversation going — even on topics that wouldn’t normally catch a teenager’s interest. I still smile at the memory of him and my dad having entire conversations about garden sheds!
As I grew up, there were the formal ladies’ nights — joyful evenings full of singing, dancing, wine, and laughter. My favourite memory is of our family at the end of these nights, forming a circle on the dance floor, arms linked, and kicking our tired legs to Frank Sinatra’s “New York, New York.” We would sing loudly: “Start spreading the news, I’m leaving today.’’ That joyful song and dance always marked the end of an unforgettable evening, and the memory will stay with me forever.
When my brothers and I had children, Uncle Roy was officially promoted to Great Uncle Roy. But the truth is, he had always been a great uncle to us. He brought so much love and wisdom into our lives. He embraced the ‘Great Uncle’ role with open arms, always showing the same genuine interest, kindness, compassion, and generosity to each of his great-nieces and nephews as he always had to us. He loved his family, and his family loved him.
What I admired most about Uncle Roy was that he had a gift for making everyone feel valued and important. Whether it was a warm smile, a genuine question about how you were doing, or a kind word that made your day, he had a way of noticing and connecting with people that made us all feel very ‘seen’ by him. We would always leave his and Auntie Pam’s house feeling so loved and cared for.
Today, as we say goodbye to Uncle Roy, I want to thank him for being such a caring, wise, and loyal member of our family. He taught us how to find joy in the mundane, to stay true to ourselves, to communicate effectively, and to treat others with respect. Today feels like the end of one of those lovely ladies’ nights - the end of a wonderful life and now it’s time to go home. Uncle Roy, we’ve spread the news — you’re leaving today. But you’re leaving behind a legacy of love, respect, kindness and wisdom. And of course you’ll never leave our hearts, because we each hold you so dearly within them.
To end this tribute, I want to say what I didn’t say all those years ago as a 12 year old: ‘Goodnight, Uncle Roy. I’m so glad you joined our family. We love you.’
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